The cast came off….
And what do you suppose we found? That’s right! A broken bone! They know this because they took new x-rays immediately. Now, what puzzles me is that they LET him leave the doctor’s office without a new cast!! WHATEVER!!!
So, he’s still at home. And guess what else? LOST is no longer the DVD of choice…. He’s into 24 now! And, might I add, I have to walk by the TV with my eyes covered so that I don’t get sucked in too!! Each evening, I go downstairs to tell him that I’m done studying and that I have to go to bed for work the next day. Each evening, I find two wide-eyed men (our tenant’s into it too, despite his efforts to ignore it!) sitting open-mouthed, attention glued to the TV. You’d think it was football season! Oh, it is! =) I also find that I’ve been going to bed alone since he has to see the next episode… I’m not bitter. REALLY! =)
Confession: Previously, I actually paid attention to what was happening and Will and I stayed up one weekend until 6 a.m. on Sunday morning to watch the conclusion of the nuclear attack on LA! I completely understand the addiction. =)
As you can see, I’ve been studying a lot! I’m doing really well in Greek class and I’m so pleased. It’s definitely not an easy class but I have been trying to be diligent each step of the way. The cool thing is that the author of our textbook is so committed to this cause, he has current websites loaded with information, additional lectures on DVD and answer keys... I spend a lot of time reinforcing what I’m learning. During the first few weeks of our class lectures, there were groanings and moanings throughout the room! It cracked me up!
On other fronts, I’ve rejoined Gospel Choir under the leadership of a new director, I’m reconnecting with friends at school and starting afresh with a new church group. Will and I were a part of a new splinter group from the Mission Viejo church we participated in for the last few years. This new group meets in Laguna, yes, still pretty far from home!! But, we’re trying it out. It’s not that there’s tension or anything about the way one group does church verses another. It’s that the model is being duplicated – well, supposedly. So far, not so much, but it’s only been one week!
Another interesting tidbit that I wanted to share with some long-time friends is that Biola Utah is beginning to look more and more like the old Utah we knew and loved. I went to an informational meeting a few weeks ago and asked a lot of questions (I didn’t say anything about my previous involvement), but I can say that these students aren’t following Standing Together’s schedule, they are working for a couple of days with Christ Ev Free (can’t remember the pastor’s name now!) and still do ministry at Temple Square and at BYU (this part they do work in conjunction with ST). They don’t condone the “Bob & Greg Show” as the new director called it. *SMILE!* They also don’t like the sign holders, door to door visits or those who would distribute DVDs to doorsteps… But all in all, they seem to be forthcoming about the Gospel, and even challenged the entire group – “If you believe we aren’t being true to the Gospel, call us on it!” I was encouraged. There are several opportunities to participate now – Spring Break trip, Christmas Break trip & local ministries throughout the semester. For each, they study Gospel Principles, attend institute classes and dialogue of course. The one interesting feature is that they’ve changed their name from Utah - LDS Ministries - EMI (Evangelical and Mormon Interactions). It’s no longer housed under Student Ministries, but rather Spiritual Life, which I’m told occupies the same area where StuMin once called home. A couple other observations: most of the leadership is only in their second year of ministry through Biola (not sure if that’s a bad or good thing) and there were only 16 team members on last year’s Spring Break trip. What ever happened to the 80 eager applicants?
Well, I guess that’s all for now. =)
So, he’s still at home. And guess what else? LOST is no longer the DVD of choice…. He’s into 24 now! And, might I add, I have to walk by the TV with my eyes covered so that I don’t get sucked in too!! Each evening, I go downstairs to tell him that I’m done studying and that I have to go to bed for work the next day. Each evening, I find two wide-eyed men (our tenant’s into it too, despite his efforts to ignore it!) sitting open-mouthed, attention glued to the TV. You’d think it was football season! Oh, it is! =) I also find that I’ve been going to bed alone since he has to see the next episode… I’m not bitter. REALLY! =)
Confession: Previously, I actually paid attention to what was happening and Will and I stayed up one weekend until 6 a.m. on Sunday morning to watch the conclusion of the nuclear attack on LA! I completely understand the addiction. =)
As you can see, I’ve been studying a lot! I’m doing really well in Greek class and I’m so pleased. It’s definitely not an easy class but I have been trying to be diligent each step of the way. The cool thing is that the author of our textbook is so committed to this cause, he has current websites loaded with information, additional lectures on DVD and answer keys... I spend a lot of time reinforcing what I’m learning. During the first few weeks of our class lectures, there were groanings and moanings throughout the room! It cracked me up!
On other fronts, I’ve rejoined Gospel Choir under the leadership of a new director, I’m reconnecting with friends at school and starting afresh with a new church group. Will and I were a part of a new splinter group from the Mission Viejo church we participated in for the last few years. This new group meets in Laguna, yes, still pretty far from home!! But, we’re trying it out. It’s not that there’s tension or anything about the way one group does church verses another. It’s that the model is being duplicated – well, supposedly. So far, not so much, but it’s only been one week!
Another interesting tidbit that I wanted to share with some long-time friends is that Biola Utah is beginning to look more and more like the old Utah we knew and loved. I went to an informational meeting a few weeks ago and asked a lot of questions (I didn’t say anything about my previous involvement), but I can say that these students aren’t following Standing Together’s schedule, they are working for a couple of days with Christ Ev Free (can’t remember the pastor’s name now!) and still do ministry at Temple Square and at BYU (this part they do work in conjunction with ST). They don’t condone the “Bob & Greg Show” as the new director called it. *SMILE!* They also don’t like the sign holders, door to door visits or those who would distribute DVDs to doorsteps… But all in all, they seem to be forthcoming about the Gospel, and even challenged the entire group – “If you believe we aren’t being true to the Gospel, call us on it!” I was encouraged. There are several opportunities to participate now – Spring Break trip, Christmas Break trip & local ministries throughout the semester. For each, they study Gospel Principles, attend institute classes and dialogue of course. The one interesting feature is that they’ve changed their name from Utah - LDS Ministries - EMI (Evangelical and Mormon Interactions). It’s no longer housed under Student Ministries, but rather Spiritual Life, which I’m told occupies the same area where StuMin once called home. A couple other observations: most of the leadership is only in their second year of ministry through Biola (not sure if that’s a bad or good thing) and there were only 16 team members on last year’s Spring Break trip. What ever happened to the 80 eager applicants?
Well, I guess that’s all for now. =)
GOOD news about the Utah stuff. Wow! I told myself that I was "over it", but now I have a new job with several LDS coworkers, and I'm wondering about the significance of that...
SO EXCITING that you're at least keeping up and visiting the meetings. You're so much more gifted at building relationships--and bridges--than I am.
Kiti, At
10:46 PM
Oh, and by the way, I'm so proud of you for being diligent in Greek. It is hard work, but so much fun at the same time.
Kiti, At
10:47 PM
Lots of news from you! Someday in my retirement, maybe I'll study Greek. Precepts requires knowledge of Greek and Hebrew meanings, so I've been introduced to it.
Didn't the bone knit properly?
Willow, At
8:27 PM
Thanks for visiting and leaving comments ladies!! So fun!!
Yes, I'm finding Greek to be a challenge and, ilke Mounce says, a detective game - fun! But, it is complex. And the misleading feature is just when you think you're on top of it, something else comes and makes you rethink most of what you think you know. It can make you crazy!
Willow, I hope to continue my studies in Greek and definitely encourage you to do it in retirement!! I didn't realize that Precepts requires knowledge of the ancient languages. Interesting!
The bone started to heal, but there's still a clear break in it. He's at the doctor's as I type this, so hopefully, there's good news! He's been hoping (for weeks) to participate in a 5k race this Sunday... So, the prayer is that he'll leave with a cast, or be completely healed! But, either way, it's been very clear that God is orchestrating these events. He's blessed us graciously!!
Life is a Marathon, At
10:30 AM
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