Again, time passes quickly! Sorry… busy as usual.
Our niece who occupies Rialto had her third baby two weeks ago (and text messaged everyone 45 minutes after she delivered with the stats! Marvelous technology! STRONG momma!)!
I’ve enjoyed the summer. We have been cleaning, unpacking and trying to hang out with people we’ve neglected since we started the “crunch time” in Rialto. I felt bad, but had to put everyone on hold.
There isn’t a lot new in life except one thing: Will broke his foot coming down the stairs two Saturdays ago. Metatarsal #5 (outside long bone) is broken with the break heading in three different directions!
OUCH!! We do not live in the most conducive house (3 stories) to have this kind of injury! Everyone we’ve talked to seems to have expected Will to break his foot by bouncing off the walls, jumping from rooftops or running… But, NO-O-O-O! He simply walked down the stairs, thought he was on the landing (carrying something in front) and looking up at the light he wanted to turn off, took two steps instead of one at once and landed on the side of his left foot… I’ve never had an injured husband before. And honestly, even though it wasn’t life threatening, couldn’t help but shed a few tears… Working at Costco is out for a while anyway… He’ll be stuck on one floor for most of the days and the doctors were able to squeeze him in before their vacation to cast it… Will's off until 9/12. This will be a long road! We’re trying to make things comfortable for him. The other thing that I find interesting is that he doesn’t want to sit still – he wants to be driving around (remember, I said it was his LEFT foot!).
On a healthier note, we’re excited to report that our trip to Utah was a grand success!! Approximately 8 years ago, a friend from BIOLA and I were praying in Temple Square (SLC) for God to send us someone to talk to. When we looked up, a man was standing there who said, “Hello beautiful ladies!” To which we said another heartier, “AMEN!” and we both exchanged letters with him for some time. This year, our team was scattered across Temple Grounds again and I heard some of the girls groaning about a very rude Mormon man they were talking to… They were very offended by his tone and his response to their chat (I wasn’t there, so can’t give you too many details). Anyway, he came back to “finish the job” and I saw him, recognized him immediately as the man I had met 8 years ago! (He said he remembered the last letter he received from me was when my dad passed away, this is how I’m calculating the timeline!) We had a very nice conversation, he was very apologetic toward my friends and even turned away a couple of concerned Sisters who thought he was being cornered by me. Anyway, he asked my friends to join us, and Will jumped right in (they had left us alone to pray for us up until this point). Anyway, in the course of the conversation, Will’s determined not to just “plant seeds”; he wants to give everyone a chance to accept (or as they desire, reject) the Gospel. He asked the question. My old friend AGREED and Will led him in the prayer (he even paused when Will asked him to repeat, “I know it’s not based on what I can do.”). My old friend and I are still trying to catch each other on the phone (he doesn’t do e-mail) and I did send him a card with a church referral from a friend in the area. Please pray for Tyrone!
On a different note, I’m starting school in a few weeks. I was cleaning out the garage (looking for something else) and found my old Greek New Testament and Lexicon! AMEN! This will be very handy in class!
I’m bored at work and tired of some of the issues we face. Guess I lack motivation altogether. Truth be told, emotionally, I feel torn in different places. Olga is getting married in a month, and I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I feel about this. I’m not even going to go there…
Anyway, so yeah, same old same old – well, with other limitations! Please pray for Will! Thanks for checking in!!
Our niece who occupies Rialto had her third baby two weeks ago (and text messaged everyone 45 minutes after she delivered with the stats! Marvelous technology! STRONG momma!)!
I’ve enjoyed the summer. We have been cleaning, unpacking and trying to hang out with people we’ve neglected since we started the “crunch time” in Rialto. I felt bad, but had to put everyone on hold.
There isn’t a lot new in life except one thing: Will broke his foot coming down the stairs two Saturdays ago. Metatarsal #5 (outside long bone) is broken with the break heading in three different directions!
OUCH!! We do not live in the most conducive house (3 stories) to have this kind of injury! Everyone we’ve talked to seems to have expected Will to break his foot by bouncing off the walls, jumping from rooftops or running… But, NO-O-O-O! He simply walked down the stairs, thought he was on the landing (carrying something in front) and looking up at the light he wanted to turn off, took two steps instead of one at once and landed on the side of his left foot… I’ve never had an injured husband before. And honestly, even though it wasn’t life threatening, couldn’t help but shed a few tears… Working at Costco is out for a while anyway… He’ll be stuck on one floor for most of the days and the doctors were able to squeeze him in before their vacation to cast it… Will's off until 9/12. This will be a long road! We’re trying to make things comfortable for him. The other thing that I find interesting is that he doesn’t want to sit still – he wants to be driving around (remember, I said it was his LEFT foot!).
On a healthier note, we’re excited to report that our trip to Utah was a grand success!! Approximately 8 years ago, a friend from BIOLA and I were praying in Temple Square (SLC) for God to send us someone to talk to. When we looked up, a man was standing there who said, “Hello beautiful ladies!” To which we said another heartier, “AMEN!” and we both exchanged letters with him for some time. This year, our team was scattered across Temple Grounds again and I heard some of the girls groaning about a very rude Mormon man they were talking to… They were very offended by his tone and his response to their chat (I wasn’t there, so can’t give you too many details). Anyway, he came back to “finish the job” and I saw him, recognized him immediately as the man I had met 8 years ago! (He said he remembered the last letter he received from me was when my dad passed away, this is how I’m calculating the timeline!) We had a very nice conversation, he was very apologetic toward my friends and even turned away a couple of concerned Sisters who thought he was being cornered by me. Anyway, he asked my friends to join us, and Will jumped right in (they had left us alone to pray for us up until this point). Anyway, in the course of the conversation, Will’s determined not to just “plant seeds”; he wants to give everyone a chance to accept (or as they desire, reject) the Gospel. He asked the question. My old friend AGREED and Will led him in the prayer (he even paused when Will asked him to repeat, “I know it’s not based on what I can do.”). My old friend and I are still trying to catch each other on the phone (he doesn’t do e-mail) and I did send him a card with a church referral from a friend in the area. Please pray for Tyrone!
On a different note, I’m starting school in a few weeks. I was cleaning out the garage (looking for something else) and found my old Greek New Testament and Lexicon! AMEN! This will be very handy in class!
I’m bored at work and tired of some of the issues we face. Guess I lack motivation altogether. Truth be told, emotionally, I feel torn in different places. Olga is getting married in a month, and I’m still trying to figure out what exactly I feel about this. I’m not even going to go there…
Anyway, so yeah, same old same old – well, with other limitations! Please pray for Will! Thanks for checking in!!
Good to have a catch up time with you! So much has happened! Have you talked with Deb lately?
Willow, At
3:32 PM
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