Count down...
The count down until school starts again is on... And there's currently 5 more days (in just a few hours, we'll be looking at 4 more days *SIGH!*). In addition to the second semester of Koine Greek, I'm taking Historical Theology and I anticipate a lot of reading...
So, what have we been up to these days? Well, I passed another milestone just recently - I'm now 30 years old (shiver up the spine!). Can you believe it?? I guess I never fathomed that I could be so OLD! I guess, based on my recent posts, it's not to difficult to believe (another sigh!). So, on my list of things to do (I'll share that later), I had that I wanted to paint a bit in our Pomona house and since Will's of the opinion that I should complete one task at a time (and I'm still not done with Rialto - SIGH!) starting Pomona wasn't a welcomed idea. Anyway, so for my birthday, kind, wonderful people sent me $$ and guess what I decided!?! That's right! The master bathroom looks AWESOME! I got clearance from him before I proceeded to Home Depot for the beige paint (which isn't really as dull as it sounds!). Will even said that he should have let me do this before! I took before pictures (and even found my digital camera!), so I fully intend to post them sometime soon... I also painted our bedroom which didn't turn out as great as I had hoped. I picked out a green (even went outside the store to make sure that it matched the swatch I was eyeing) and I thought of the colors I selected, I got the closest... Well, so our room has a nice, more on the brighter side shade of green than I'd like. I was going for a grayish-green color... But, since I'm starting school again, I'll have to live with it for at least 4 months. It's not really THAT bad!
So, anyway, that was my birthday gift to myself! Strange? Will was kind and took me to get an hour massage. We also went to see National Treasure - a movie we both appreciated.
Another project I've been massaging for a long time is a sewing project I started a long time ago and just never really stayed committed to. Some of you remember my Amazing Grace counted cross stitch project. I completed it about 4 years ago and gave it to one of my friends. Well, my stepmother LOVED it, and although I started one immediately afterwards, I totally lost track of it & momentum. So, I'm back to making more progress... but this will also come to a hault until school is done.
Other items I had on my TO DO List include:
In other news, I've also decided to try to read through the Bible in a year. The course our church (new one BTW - more on that in a minute) recommended is a little peculiar. I've seen other "curriculum" (if you will) that starts in Genesis & proceeds forward. I've also seen those where you read a couple of chapters a day from the OT & then a couple from the NT. This one is unique in that you start on Jn 1:1-18 (Day 1), Genesis 1-19 (Days 2 - 6), then Psalms 1-4 (Day 7), then back to Gen 20-22 (Day 8), then Job 1-20 (through Day 13), then Psalms, then Job & the pattern continues until you've read through Genesis & Job & proceed into Exodus, Leviticus, etc. with Psalms as your main "intermission". It's an intriguing way to proceed & definitely keeps you flipping! Confession: I'm a bit behind and this evening, one of my ideas was to get caught up.
We decided, after months of consideration, to stop going to So. OC for church.... For several reasons, actually. It's a good move for us, and two of the greatest benefits is that the church is in Pomona (gasp!) & both Will & I can attend together (gasp again!). It's been fun to connect with some acquaintances that I've lost touch with (from even my days at Mt SAC) & we're currently trying out a couple of different fellowships, but haven't really found the right fit yet. I shouldn't probably share this here, but I was disappointed on Friday night last week when a couple from one of the groups we had attended seemed really eager to hang out with us... and I thought to build friendships. It turns out they were only working to market themselves for monthly missionary support... I can waiver that in my head as to the higher goals of the Kingdom & such, but I really didn't appreciate the misleading approach. *SIGH!*
And finally, on a bright note, my sister had her third baby girl! Crazy!! Raeley Jenna Olivia was born on 1/14. She's healthy & greeted by her two big sisters. Trip out!!
So, what have we been up to these days? Well, I passed another milestone just recently - I'm now 30 years old (shiver up the spine!). Can you believe it?? I guess I never fathomed that I could be so OLD! I guess, based on my recent posts, it's not to difficult to believe (another sigh!). So, on my list of things to do (I'll share that later), I had that I wanted to paint a bit in our Pomona house and since Will's of the opinion that I should complete one task at a time (and I'm still not done with Rialto - SIGH!) starting Pomona wasn't a welcomed idea. Anyway, so for my birthday, kind, wonderful people sent me $$ and guess what I decided!?! That's right! The master bathroom looks AWESOME! I got clearance from him before I proceeded to Home Depot for the beige paint (which isn't really as dull as it sounds!). Will even said that he should have let me do this before! I took before pictures (and even found my digital camera!), so I fully intend to post them sometime soon... I also painted our bedroom which didn't turn out as great as I had hoped. I picked out a green (even went outside the store to make sure that it matched the swatch I was eyeing) and I thought of the colors I selected, I got the closest... Well, so our room has a nice, more on the brighter side shade of green than I'd like. I was going for a grayish-green color... But, since I'm starting school again, I'll have to live with it for at least 4 months. It's not really THAT bad!
So, anyway, that was my birthday gift to myself! Strange? Will was kind and took me to get an hour massage. We also went to see National Treasure - a movie we both appreciated.
Another project I've been massaging for a long time is a sewing project I started a long time ago and just never really stayed committed to. Some of you remember my Amazing Grace counted cross stitch project. I completed it about 4 years ago and gave it to one of my friends. Well, my stepmother LOVED it, and although I started one immediately afterwards, I totally lost track of it & momentum. So, I'm back to making more progress... but this will also come to a hault until school is done.
Other items I had on my TO DO List include:
- Exceling in Greek (done!)
- Buying a garden hose (done!)
- Cleaning/Organizing up my computer hard drive & burning CDs for back up (done!)
- Copying wedding photos onto a CD for my mom (done!)
- Cleaning out the garage in Rialto (done!)
- Purchasing a dining room table (done!)
- Finish painting in Rialto
- Remove the debris in backyard at Rialto
- Posting pictures of Pomona on my blog
- Purchasing new window coverings for our bedroom (Pomona)
- Buying a new dog leash
- Replacing HVAC filters for both Rialto & Pomona
- Purchase towels
- Plan/Organize/Clean closet
- Determine how to hang new lighting in Pomona
- Organize & develop photos from wedding (yes, I know!)
In other news, I've also decided to try to read through the Bible in a year. The course our church (new one BTW - more on that in a minute) recommended is a little peculiar. I've seen other "curriculum" (if you will) that starts in Genesis & proceeds forward. I've also seen those where you read a couple of chapters a day from the OT & then a couple from the NT. This one is unique in that you start on Jn 1:1-18 (Day 1), Genesis 1-19 (Days 2 - 6), then Psalms 1-4 (Day 7), then back to Gen 20-22 (Day 8), then Job 1-20 (through Day 13), then Psalms, then Job & the pattern continues until you've read through Genesis & Job & proceed into Exodus, Leviticus, etc. with Psalms as your main "intermission". It's an intriguing way to proceed & definitely keeps you flipping! Confession: I'm a bit behind and this evening, one of my ideas was to get caught up.
We decided, after months of consideration, to stop going to So. OC for church.... For several reasons, actually. It's a good move for us, and two of the greatest benefits is that the church is in Pomona (gasp!) & both Will & I can attend together (gasp again!). It's been fun to connect with some acquaintances that I've lost touch with (from even my days at Mt SAC) & we're currently trying out a couple of different fellowships, but haven't really found the right fit yet. I shouldn't probably share this here, but I was disappointed on Friday night last week when a couple from one of the groups we had attended seemed really eager to hang out with us... and I thought to build friendships. It turns out they were only working to market themselves for monthly missionary support... I can waiver that in my head as to the higher goals of the Kingdom & such, but I really didn't appreciate the misleading approach. *SIGH!*
And finally, on a bright note, my sister had her third baby girl! Crazy!! Raeley Jenna Olivia was born on 1/14. She's healthy & greeted by her two big sisters. Trip out!!
2 Comments: that's a lot of info in one post. We'll have to talk about the green. You can always ask. I used to choose paint for a living.
Then, yeah on the x-stitch. You could give yourself 30min a day a few times a week. I finished so many when I worked on them during my lunch at work. And it was relaxing.
Sorry about the new friends. This summer some time...when you're not in school and I'm not planning for a week of school...we should plan a BBQ.
The Bible should be fun. I'd just read what ever today's is...then if you get the chance on a weekend catch up, but if not then don't sweat it. It's hard to have so many to-do lists hanging. I should know...I'm the queen of to-do-lists.
km, At
8:41 AM
I'm behind on TODAY's list! I'll share with you that my February has send off the resubmission for the knitting guild. There! I've said it; I have to do it. And also on the list is get a grandson! So good to see you at the shower!
Willow, At
7:02 PM
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