Back from the land of school work...
Well 1 week away from school... I got my grades. All things considered, I did pretty well. B & B-. My friend reminded me that success is doing all things you're able to do well. I'm going to need to review and redo some Greek this summer. Next semester, we'll hit the ground running again with exegesis.
I've been catching up on rest and time with the hubby. He's had a bit of a challenge with Costco lately. He was booted out of the department he had been working in for the last 8 months or so unexpectedly, and when he tried to contest it, it took a union rep to convince the store manager to give him another chance. Will read, reread and reread again the forklift driving manual. We waited in suspense for the time when he would be retested, then confirmation that the union rep (also a former forklift driver) would make it a priority to be there for the testing, and then when the testing came, they gave him a few hours and then told him he didn't pass. We were disappointed, but accepting of this in light of the fact that he's given it ALL that he could and prayed. God answers our prayers. We'll wait for His plan.
Meanwhile, I'm making some transitions at work. No review yet, and it appears that I'm going to have to insist to get one before I leave. I want to do this with grace, and yet be firm. When an employee is promised for months that a review is coming, and even that a back-pay raise would be instituted, you don't just shrug that off, ya know? Seriously folks! I have to say that I'm noticing some bizarre things lately at work. God protect the credit union! We're more busy now than we've ever been! In the month of April, we funded $3M short of what we had funded for the whole first quarter of '08! Crazy!
I'm making more lists for the summer for things to get done. Of course, relaxing is also important to me. Will and I are going to Canada, it appears. With the stress/suspense at Costco (and frankly, not knowing which department to petition for time off), we're still trusting we can go this summer. Life is full and we're happy!
We were able to go to Olga's mother's birthday party yesterday. That was the first time I'd been to their house in years and the first time Will's gone there. It was VERY nice to see everyone again! I never expected a celebrity-like greeting when we walked in. What was really embarrassing is that one of the kids (who's now 8) recognized me and I honestly had no idea who he was (still kind of don't). It's clearly been too long!!
Anyway, we have another voting event coming up! Get out there and vote folks!
And on a different note, God is so good! Have you reflected on this lately? I'm just blown away by His creativity with the flowers... and trees. Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that from the dirt, a tall stalk grows upwards, blooms and bears fruit? Crazy huh? How great is our God!
I've been catching up on rest and time with the hubby. He's had a bit of a challenge with Costco lately. He was booted out of the department he had been working in for the last 8 months or so unexpectedly, and when he tried to contest it, it took a union rep to convince the store manager to give him another chance. Will read, reread and reread again the forklift driving manual. We waited in suspense for the time when he would be retested, then confirmation that the union rep (also a former forklift driver) would make it a priority to be there for the testing, and then when the testing came, they gave him a few hours and then told him he didn't pass. We were disappointed, but accepting of this in light of the fact that he's given it ALL that he could and prayed. God answers our prayers. We'll wait for His plan.
Meanwhile, I'm making some transitions at work. No review yet, and it appears that I'm going to have to insist to get one before I leave. I want to do this with grace, and yet be firm. When an employee is promised for months that a review is coming, and even that a back-pay raise would be instituted, you don't just shrug that off, ya know? Seriously folks! I have to say that I'm noticing some bizarre things lately at work. God protect the credit union! We're more busy now than we've ever been! In the month of April, we funded $3M short of what we had funded for the whole first quarter of '08! Crazy!
I'm making more lists for the summer for things to get done. Of course, relaxing is also important to me. Will and I are going to Canada, it appears. With the stress/suspense at Costco (and frankly, not knowing which department to petition for time off), we're still trusting we can go this summer. Life is full and we're happy!
We were able to go to Olga's mother's birthday party yesterday. That was the first time I'd been to their house in years and the first time Will's gone there. It was VERY nice to see everyone again! I never expected a celebrity-like greeting when we walked in. What was really embarrassing is that one of the kids (who's now 8) recognized me and I honestly had no idea who he was (still kind of don't). It's clearly been too long!!
Anyway, we have another voting event coming up! Get out there and vote folks!
And on a different note, God is so good! Have you reflected on this lately? I'm just blown away by His creativity with the flowers... and trees. Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that from the dirt, a tall stalk grows upwards, blooms and bears fruit? Crazy huh? How great is our God!
Life can get really stressful sometimes, huh? Be sure to relax this summer. Hope things go well for both of you at work.
Willow, At
12:14 PM
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