Now's the Time

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I used to wonder….

I used to wonder what I’d be like to live in LA or Watts where police helicopters hovered overhead with their beams on the ground … I guess I don’t have to wonder any more. Last night (Christmas!), as we came home, there was a police helicopter circling the Stater Bros. center right behind our house and as we rounded one of the turns, we saw another police car stationed just in case. You have to wonder whether some hoodlum trying to escape will jump into your backyard, or worse, try to break into your house…. And in moments like these, I comfort myself knowing that The Big Dummy, as charming as he appears, has a powerful bite! And based on the breed tendencies, Will and I believe that if The Big Ox ever thought we were in danger, he'd protect us...

Christmas was good. Will worked a lot last week and once he got home, there were more projects to do, so he didn’t get to shopping or wrapping… In his family, everyone buys gifts for the kids and then the adults do a White Elephant gift exchange. And, what’s funny is that Will always received gifts in addition to the WEGE gift, just because… So, we walked away this year with just as many (no probably one more gift) as the kids. Kind of fun! =) We were told that we needed to be at his sister’s house around 12:30 or 1 for the festivities. I spoke with his sister several weeks ago and she was very adamant about starting then…. But, when we arrived, no one but his sister was there. We came, with our contribution to the meal and the gifts, but we were 3 hours early as nobody had called to tell us that they changed the start time… So, we went home, opened our own gifts (we didn’t have time to open our gifts to each other because we were rushing out) and went to see The Pursuit of Happyness. [Good movie!] But, since our phones were off, we had three messages between us from his family asking us when we were coming. Funny!

I’m tired today and really not in the mood to be at work… But such is life.


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