Laughter is good for the soul...
So, this will be a random entry. I’m tired as I’ve been staying up late trying to finish my paper. Coffee isn’t doing for me anymore, but I’m almost there!
A couple a days ago in the break room, one of my co-workers said, "Whatever anti-depressant you're on, I want some." He continued, "I could tell you your dog had died, and you'd find a way to laugh about it."
Another co-worker standing nearby (with a better memory) said, "She did cry, don't you remember?"
And then I laughed, spoiling the seriousness and proving what he was saying...
Will and I were sitting at the laundromat washing the larger blankets and doing paperwork last weekend. One lady kept looking back at us with a perplexed look on her face. I guess it’s not common to see husbands in there with their wives. =)
Today’s the 14th. 11 more shopping days left….. I’m no where near ready, are you??
A couple a days ago in the break room, one of my co-workers said, "Whatever anti-depressant you're on, I want some." He continued, "I could tell you your dog had died, and you'd find a way to laugh about it."
Another co-worker standing nearby (with a better memory) said, "She did cry, don't you remember?"
And then I laughed, spoiling the seriousness and proving what he was saying...
Will and I were sitting at the laundromat washing the larger blankets and doing paperwork last weekend. One lady kept looking back at us with a perplexed look on her face. I guess it’s not common to see husbands in there with their wives. =)
Today’s the 14th. 11 more shopping days left….. I’m no where near ready, are you??
hey! what happened to my comment!? It disappeared! I wrote you that you should get the Laurel's Kitchen book or her bread book from the library and read the section on kneading bread if you've never done it before. I'm sure you'll do fine!
Willow, At
9:58 AM
Silly me! I figured Laurel was a friend of yours. I suppose she could be, even if she's only a "book" friend. =)
I don't know. There's definitely an error with this blogger business. I gotta look into what Deb is talking about with the Google blog.
Life is a Marathon, At
7:51 AM
I changed to the beta blogger. It's still blogspot but you get in through your gmail account. warning: if you have already written your comment and THEN sign in to beta blogger/gmail, you lose your comment. Ask me how I know...
disclaimer on Laurel's Kitchen-- Laurel, et al, are practicing Hindus and came to vegetarian cooking that way. If that bothers you, find another cookbook. More With Less Cookbook is a good one for bread recipes and home made everything. Published by MCC--Mennonite Central Committee (Heral Press, I think)
Anonymous, At
6:17 PM
anon is actually willow who forgot AGAIN about commenting before signing in
Anonymous, At
6:19 PM
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