An invitation to my world...
Long time again…
For the last few days, I’ve been considering what to post here. While there is a lot going on (as usual), there isn’t much new to share...
Okay, well, maybe there is. We reached the 6 year mark of my father’s death last Saturday. It’s pretty wild to think of it actually. I wanted to go with Will down to the cemetery, but he ended up having to work… So, I went down and put some daisies on his grave. I am glad I went. One of the things we used to talk about in Grief Counseling was how the cemetery really isn’t a memorable spot for you and your loved one. So, I can show up and leave there without really “feeling” anything too deeply. It does still creep me out to see his name on the headstone… And on other odd occasions, I find myself nearly in tears. For example, yesterday, I was at a race with Will and a little boy got on the loud speaker and wished his daddy a Happy Birthday. It was so sweet! Or the other day, when I was talking to Will & I told him (as though I was sharing with my dad), “Daddy, I’m getting married!” Wow, even typing that makes me wince a little…. 6 years and I still miss him! I guess that will never fully go away. And one of my friends says, 29 years after her dad died, she still feels it too.
I started working on wedding invitations and I’m excited about how they’ll look! Looking through a magazine a few weeks ago, I got an idea and it’s sort of evolved…. In my eagerness, I was on the web and almost made a purchase to get the invitations rolling, but I’m glad I waited! I was able to save a SIGNIFICANT amount of money because I started shopping around & got a few more ideas… So, we’re rolling! YIPPIE!!
Last Friday, Will & I went to see Superman Returns. It was a good movie. Our church has been discussing some of the allusions in the trailer to the relationship between God & Jesus and while watching the movie, there were some, I didn’t see them as overtly as church made it sound. Granted, they were only referring to the trailer…
And for the 4th, Will & I had a busy day. As I mentioned above, we went to a race. He did pretty well, although he’s critical of his performance. I always think his timing is excellent! I did pretty well too, so I was pleased. Afterwards, we continued on a very busy streak. Since the race was in Huntington Beach and we were close, we decided to head down to Laguna Beach to make reservations for our first night married. We had a great time shopping, considering options and actually booking. One more thing done! =)
I’m still pretty tired from yesterday. We have to get up early to do the races…
And at long last, we have FINALLY reached a resolution for the auto accident last fall! We went down to sign the documents today…. WHEW!
For the last few days, I’ve been considering what to post here. While there is a lot going on (as usual), there isn’t much new to share...
Okay, well, maybe there is. We reached the 6 year mark of my father’s death last Saturday. It’s pretty wild to think of it actually. I wanted to go with Will down to the cemetery, but he ended up having to work… So, I went down and put some daisies on his grave. I am glad I went. One of the things we used to talk about in Grief Counseling was how the cemetery really isn’t a memorable spot for you and your loved one. So, I can show up and leave there without really “feeling” anything too deeply. It does still creep me out to see his name on the headstone… And on other odd occasions, I find myself nearly in tears. For example, yesterday, I was at a race with Will and a little boy got on the loud speaker and wished his daddy a Happy Birthday. It was so sweet! Or the other day, when I was talking to Will & I told him (as though I was sharing with my dad), “Daddy, I’m getting married!” Wow, even typing that makes me wince a little…. 6 years and I still miss him! I guess that will never fully go away. And one of my friends says, 29 years after her dad died, she still feels it too.
I started working on wedding invitations and I’m excited about how they’ll look! Looking through a magazine a few weeks ago, I got an idea and it’s sort of evolved…. In my eagerness, I was on the web and almost made a purchase to get the invitations rolling, but I’m glad I waited! I was able to save a SIGNIFICANT amount of money because I started shopping around & got a few more ideas… So, we’re rolling! YIPPIE!!
Last Friday, Will & I went to see Superman Returns. It was a good movie. Our church has been discussing some of the allusions in the trailer to the relationship between God & Jesus and while watching the movie, there were some, I didn’t see them as overtly as church made it sound. Granted, they were only referring to the trailer…
And for the 4th, Will & I had a busy day. As I mentioned above, we went to a race. He did pretty well, although he’s critical of his performance. I always think his timing is excellent! I did pretty well too, so I was pleased. Afterwards, we continued on a very busy streak. Since the race was in Huntington Beach and we were close, we decided to head down to Laguna Beach to make reservations for our first night married. We had a great time shopping, considering options and actually booking. One more thing done! =)
I’m still pretty tired from yesterday. We have to get up early to do the races…
And at long last, we have FINALLY reached a resolution for the auto accident last fall! We went down to sign the documents today…. WHEW!
When is your wedding? It sounds like planning is moving right along!
Sher, At
10:07 PM
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